The two Scarello’s stars land in Istria

5 Apr, 2017 | events, Gourmet world, News

Scarello inaugurates the Istria Gourmet Festival

The Istria Gourmet Festival is the most important gastronomic event in the Croatian region and is organized by the Institute for Tourism in Istria in collaboration with the hotel company Maistra Rovinj. During the event, new trends in the gourmet world and the prospects for development of the enogastronomic axis of Istria are presented.

High-level conferences and unmistakable cooking shows will be presented by numerous starred chefs.

We are proud to announce that the inaugural gala evening of the 3 April 2017 event at the prestigious Hotel Monte Mulini will be handled by Chef Emanuele Scarello.
Before the evening, at the Lone Hotel, chef Scarello will hold a show cooking from 4:40 pm to 5:10 pm.


IGF17 chef Scarello a Rovigno Istria Gourmet Festival

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